Chicken Accras

Chicken Accras


300g raw chicken breast meat

150g of flour

1/2 sachet of yeast

1 egg

1 small onion

1 teaspoon of cumin

1/2 bunch of chives

8cl of water

1 clove of garlic

1cm fresh ginger

salt and pepper

Espelette pepper

1 liter of frying oil


1/ Mix the flour, yeast and one egg. Whisk in 8 cl of water.

2/ Mix the garlic, ginger, chives, onion and chicken. Season with salt and pepper.

3/ Add this stuffing to the previous dough, mix well. Adjust the seasoning and sprinkle with cumin and chili pepper.

4/ Heat the frying oil in a saucepan, when it is hot, place the balls of dough and let them brown for 5 minutes.

5/ Drain them on absorbent paper.

6/ Enjoy them hot with a bit of fleur de sel

Chicken Accras  Chicken Accras Reviewed by EL KATIBI MARIA on mars 06, 2023 Rating: 5

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